Is Caregiver Syndrome a Real Medical Diagnosis?

Caregiver syndrome, also known as caregiver burnout or caregiver stress, is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that is experienced by many individuals who care for a loved one who is aging or chronically ill. While the condition is not formally recognized in American medical literature, physicians increasingly see evidence that the condition is prevalent. If you care for a loved one, you should be familiar with the signs of caregiver syndrome and know how to address them.

Causes of Caregiver Stress

A wide range of factors may contribute to caregiver stress and burnout. Often, it occurs because a caregiver neglects their own physical and emotional health, either because they are so busy caring for the other person that they simply don’t stop to think of themselves. A caregiver may even feel guilty if they spend time on themselves instead of their loved one in need of care.

Other contributing factors to caregiver burnout include role confusion when the caregiver has a family or other close relationship to the loved one needing care or unrealistic expectations and frustration about the effect caregiving will have on the loved one in need. A caregiver also may make unfair demands on themselves, because of the feeling of responsibility for the family member’s well-being. Other family members also may place unreasonable demands on the caregiver. Lack of control due to inadequate financial resources may be a contributing factor as well.

Symptoms of Caregiver Burnout

Depression and anxiety are the most common symptoms of caregiver syndrome. The caregiver may withdraw from family, other loved ones, and friends, and lose interest in previous activities. Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness may accompany the loss of interest.

Caregiver stress can take a physical toll. Loss of appetite and weight may occur. Changes in sleep patterns and emotional and physical exhaustion are common. These changes may also result in uncharacteristic irritability and anger. The caregiver may even become sick themselves. Chronic caregiver stress can cause health issues like frequent headaches and body pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, a compromised immune system, and other medical problems.

How to Address Caregiver Syndrome

If you are caring for a loved one and begin to feel symptoms of caregiver stress, a visit to your family physician is an important first step to take. Since health issues may result from caregiver burnout, it’s essential to get any medical problems diagnosed and treated. Make your own health a priority, so you can continue to provide the care your loved one needs.

As difficult as it may be, you should find a way to take a break from your caregiving responsibilities. You can find help through local agencies, family members, friends, and support groups. In some cases, you may be able to get a home health nurse to assist with your responsibilities. Resources may also include adult day programs or a support group where caregivers help each other take breaks from their daily routine. When you take a break, use the time to take care of yourself, even if you just rest and recharge, or go out and take part in an activity that you enjoy.

Outsourcing services is one way to relieve some of the stress of being a caregiver. Meal delivery, transportation, and adult day care are possibilities. Even hiring a person to take care of home tasks like cleaning, laundry, and other chores can relieve a surprising amount of stress.

Doctors and other medical professionals can recommend support for your physical and mental health. Sometimes counseling is beneficial, either with a therapist or a support group for caregivers.

Finding Available Resources

While caregiver stress syndrome may not be a recognized medical condition, it is very real, and it can have serious adverse effects on your health and on your ability to care for your loved one. The medical community and social service agencies are very familiar with the challenges and personal difficulties that caregivers experience. They can help you find the means to address caregiver stress when it begins to take a toll, or better yet, to avoid it altogether. Taking advantage of all available resources is the best way to avoid aggravation of the condition and find ways to alleviate the stresses that cause it.

Talk With Our Michigan Elder Law Attorneys

If your caregiver responsibilities include potential legal issues, our BRMM elder law attorneys are here to help. We assist clients with the full range of legal needs of aging adults, including concerns relating to caregiving and caregiver responsibilities. We’ve been providing legal services to clients for more than 40 years. Our compassion, credentials, and commitment set us apart.

Call us at (248) 641-7070 to talk about matters relating to your family or aging parent, or other legal issues relating to caregiving. We serve clients in Troy, Oakland County, and surrounding areas, as well as out-of-state clients with estate and probate matters arising in Michigan.

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