Learn More about Your Troy Elder Law & Estate Planning Case
Planning for the later years of life can be complicated. For many families, estate planning and long-term healthcare considerations can be contentious and painful, which is why taking the time to create a clearly written will is crucial to your wishes being met. By working with experienced Troy estate and probate attorneys, you can understand the laws of Michigan and how they will apply to your family’s assets. The team at Barron, Rosenberg, Mayoras & Mayoras offers free consultations to answer your questions. We also invite you to learn more by reading these frequently asked questions below.
Call (248) 213-9514now for more information regarding you Troy estate planning and probate situation.
Can my attorney draft a Special Needs Trust?
Yes, but they must know what they are doing. If an SNT is prepared with the wrong wording, the government will disallow the trust, and your child’s benefits will be lost. Even if the SNT is carefully crafted, extreme caution must be used in designating how the money will be spent. For Supplemental Security Income, even as little as $20 of unearned income per month will reduce benefits.
The caring, compassionate lawyers of BRMM specialize in special needs planning, and we will be glad to answer any questions regarding the planning for your loved one’s future. Call us today for a free consultation.
Why is a will not enough, and what should I have in place instead?
There is an alternative to the harsh realities of a will, and it is a perfect solution: The Special Needs Trust (SNT). The SNT is the only reliable method to make sure your money benefits your special needs child. A properly drafted SNT will allow your money to supplement your child’s benefits and not replace them. With an SNT, your money can be used for extra medical care, personal items such as TVs, radios, computers, vacations, companionship, advocates or other items of services to enhance your child’s self-esteem or situation.
What is Special Needs Planning and how will it benefit my loved one?
BRMM is home to a team of attorneys who specialize in the legal needs of loved ones with special needs. Our goal is to help you plan for the future and security of your special loved one with a disability. With stipulations that prevent them from having substantial sums of money, it can be tough not to wonder how they will obtain their governmental benefits. For a parent of a child with special needs, planning is a must. Call BRMM for more information.
What is Terminal Sedation?
When suffering can no longer be controlled by ordinary means, a patient may be sedated to unconsciousness in a hospital or home setting. The patient enters a coma-like state with all fluids and nutrition withheld, and that state is maintained through the delivery of continuous medication. This is most easily accomplished if the patient has a health care power of attorney that authorizes the withholding of nutrition and hydration. Families may stay with the patient until death.
What is Palliative Care and can it help my loved one and family?
A palliative care specialist is a healthcare specialist who frequently cares for dying patients. Palliative care consultants are used as second opinions outside of the primary doctor-patient relationship to assess the decision-making capacity of the dying patient and provide an understanding of the ethics of end-of-life decision-making.
Is physician-assisted suicide a viable option?
The short answer is no. As of January 1, 2001, Oregon was the only state that had a statute permitting physician-assisted suicide for a terminally ill patient. Other states that have recently held referendums on this issue narrowly defeated these measures. Most states have statutes that expressly prohibit these practices, and a few states have used common law to prohibit them. While it is possible to refuse treatment for incurable illnesses, most doctors will still try to perform life-saving services. Although Oregon passed its Death with Dignity Act in 1994, it wasn’t until 1998 that the first publicly acknowledged doctor-assisted suicide took place. So although a patient is free to request his or her doctor to assist with the patient’s suicide, it is unlikely to happen, even in Oregon.
What else should clients of The Center for Elder Law know?
We’ve assembled a wide variety of useful resources to help guide you, including articles, FAQs and links that offer information on elder law, estate planning and many other topics. Another helpful source is an interview that Don L. Rosenberg, attorney for The Center for Elder Law, did for a local television news segment. Click here to read it.
What other legal issues can The Center for Elder Law help me with?
In addition to Medicaid and other long-term care planning, The Center for Elder Law helps thousands of clients with trusts, wills, powers of attorney, patient advocate designations, probate court proceedings (including estates, guardianships and conservatorships), and even probate litigation, including family feuds that unfortunately often result when the proper estate planning is not done ahead of time. We can provide assistance with any legal issue, and for the rare legal problem or question that our attorneys do not handle, we will refer you to another attorney who does. For a full listing of all of our services, click here.
What makes the attorneys at The Center for Elder Law different?
Our Elder Law attorneys have been practicing in this area even before “Elder Law” was a recognized area of the law. Our two principal attorneys (Don L. Rosenberg and Danielle B. Mayoras) concentrate on Medicaid and nursing home planning and related areas, and share over 33 years combined experience as elder law attorneys. As Medicaid is complex and constantly changing, most estate planning attorneys do not concentrate on it. Trust attorneys who specialize in elder law to guide you through the process safely and securely.
Can I only claim benefits before my parent goes to a nursing home?
No. While early planning is better in every case, it is never too late to get started.
How soon should I contact you for help?
Right away. Planning for a successful estate requires time. By takin action early on, you can plan better as well as enjoy the peace of mind that your estate is protected and ready to carry on. No matter what, it is crucial that you do not put off taking care of a pressing issue. Call BRMM for a free consultation.
How soon should I contact you for help?
Right away. Planning for a successful estate requires time. By takin action early on, you can plan better as well as enjoy the peace of mind that your estate is protected and ready to carry on. No matter what, it is crucial that you do not put off taking care of a pressing issue. Call BRMM for a free consultation.
Can I get help finding a nursing home?
Yes. Our network of help includes all those who work with seniors to make the transition smoother. This includes finance professionals, state workers, and medical care experts. We understand how to help loved ones find the right fit for their lifestyle.
Will gifting my money hurt my chances as a preserved estate?
Many estate owners worry that they’ll lose their assets regardless of how they plan. Most of these concerns are simply false. Click here to see the truth about those Medicaid Myths.
Do these strategies actually work?
Yes, but executing these strategies properly is complicated. With experienced estate planning attorneys, you can rest assured your estate will be better protected from long-term healthcare costs. In fact, our team at Barron, Rosenberg, Mayoras & Mayoras has never had a Medicaid application denied for any client who followed our instructions. We know how to save you and your family money.
How will estate planning affect the medical care my loved one receives?
The short answer is not at all. Facilities that accept Medicaid and private pay patients offer identical care, meaning the only difference will be the cost to your estate.
Can I afford the help of The Center for Elder Law?
Yes. Your first consultation is free, and the amount you will spend on the following fees will be only a fraction of what we can save for your family. Our fees can usually be covered by the same amount as what it would cost to cover a month of nursing home care. A properly planned estate, however, could save you tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets.
How can The Center for Elder Law help save us money?
The team at The Center for Elder Law helps clients qualify for Medicaid to protect and preserve their life savings. We help save the assets through a variety of creative and legal strategies.
How can I help my parent to enter a nursing home?
The Center for Elder Law is there to walk you through the process of having a loved one enter a nursing home. The attorneys at The Center for Elder Law have been listed in the Experienced Registry of the National Elder Law Academy for many years and are knowledgeable about all types of nursing home issues. As the laws are always changing, we strive to keep up with them.
By working with BRMM, clients can better protect and preserve their estate so their assets are not spent on the nursing home. We can show you a better way to fund nursing home care without spending a lifetime of savings.